Saturday 30 November 2013

Hairstyle Ideas

To convey innocence within my music video I have chosen hairstyles that are usually used to portray innocence. The majority of the moodboard hairstyles have the models with their hair up in plaits which is typically seen with young actresses. This will constrast later with how I portray my actress with a more darker more messy hairstyle to convey the contrast between her innocence and her new found heartbreak.

For the aftermath scene I have decided I want my actress to have  very messy grungey styled hair that easily connotes the actresses heartbreak and upset. I have found various hair designs that show long flowing hair to symbolize how I want my actress to look. Also the hair down will contrast with the already existing idea of the girl having her hair plaited up. By having her hair down it gives connotations of freedom and have a more grown up feel to the music video. 

Friday 29 November 2013

Mise-en Scene List

  1. 10 ballons / red and white
  2. happy birthday banner
  3. 4 lanterns
  4. 2 sets of fairy lights
  5. 20 candles
  6. 1 birthday present

Thursday 28 November 2013

Test Shot 1

Throughout my music video I want candles to be filmed close up and I wanted to know the best way to film them whether or not to use a tripod and know how to focus the shot. My first attempt failed as I held the camera and the shot did not focus I then reattempted the shot using a tripod and the shot within seconds focused. I now know that when I film the candles burning scenes I will use a tripod to reduce the movement of the shot and I will also make sure that the shot is always in focus otherwise it will look blurry and unprofessional.

Friday 22 November 2013

Clothing Ideas Using Found Images

Using the website Polyvore I used the search tool to find various clothing items I could use for when I film my music video. The white lace dress and headband give connotations of innocence and purity which link with the lyrics of the song (just a young heart). The nude coloured wedges are optional and would only make the actress look more grown up which would contrast with the dress. For the music video I have also considered the actress having bare feet as this often symbolizes childhood or again innocence. With this outfit, I would have the actress looking quite natural in terms of makeup and would have the girl with her hair up and plaited to reinforce the ideas of innocence.

 I like the idea of my actress wearing quite dark clothing to contrast with the innocent look that she have previously portrayed. From watching the Katy Perry Awake music video I like the clothing she is wearing in this scene. After watching the video, I researched further into the meaning of the dark purple which is often associated with sadness and lost love. I think by incorporating some of these dark colourings my audience will be aware of the contrast in her before innocence and how now she is aware she has been used. Although the song is a different genre to indie folk the colourings are quite universal and connote the same idea throughout genres.

Thursday 21 November 2013


Location Ideas Using Found Images

When filming my music video, I have two different locations that I have thought of using to recreate the forest scene in my music video. Oak Road Playing Fields and Humber Country Park simply because they both have lots of wooded areas which would be suitable to film in. On deciding where to film I have took into consideration the distance to get to these locations and that due to the large shadowed areas, lighting will be very limited depending on what time I film the scenes. At the Humber Country Park there is also access to various different ponds and is at different heights so that it would be possible to film higher to lower shots without having to use ladders or external equipment.

For the party scene, I will be able to use my living room as it is a large open space which is very well lit so they will be less need to have lots of artificial lighting. Also by filming at my house, all my cast for the party scene will be able to get into their costumes and the majority of my cast live near my house meaning it will be easy access to get there.
Also when the girl and boy are leaving the house I will be able to film at my house as I live in a quiet area so we will not continually have to stop filming for cars passing or pedestrians.

Under the passageway, I will be able to film at the Humber Country Park as there is a underpass to the entrance of the main country park. By filming there it will be easier to film those scenes when I am also filming the other forest scenes. Although, there is a good location to film, I will have to ensure that passerby's are not caught on film as there is a lot of pedestrians that walk near this area. To avoid this I will have to put signs up around this area to make sure that pedestrians are aware that I will be filming. 

Makeup Ideas Using Found Images

For my music video, my actress will have three main different make up looks. To help me decide what style of make-up I want her to wear I have went on Pinterest to find different make-up styles and have put together a mood board for the three styles I want to replicate.

During the first scenes she will need to have a very natural make up style to help create a innocent look. For this I have found various make-up ideas that I have thought would be easy to replicate but also look natural and quite pure looking. Overall, I hope to use nude colouring's to create a natural look. To recreate these looks I will be using

When the girl realises she is being just I have chosen a more bolder style of make up because it will contrast with the natural look already portrayed in the music video reinforcing how the girl genuinely feels used and heartbroken. I have found that for this look, purples are often used to symbolize heartbreak and sadness which is what I wanted to convey in my music video.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Audience Profile Questions And Answers

To create my audience profile, I have thought of some questions that would allow me to get a greater understanding of my target audience and would allow me to develop my music video to cater their specific needs and preferences. For this reason I have grouped specific questions into groups to allow me to get an overview of what my target audience prefers

Sunday 10 November 2013

Audience Research - Questionnaire

What Is Your Age?
Under 15

What Is Your Gender?

Do You Watch Music Videos?

How Many Hours A Week Do You Watch Music Videos?
1-3 hours
4-6 hours

Where Do You Watch Music Videos?
Google Videos
Other (please state)

Why Do You Like To Watch Music Videos?
I do not like to watch music videos
Because I like the artist
I enjoy listening to the songs
I like to discover new music
Other (please specify)

What Genre Of Music Videos Do You Watch Most?
Indie Rock
Hip Hop
Indie Folk
Other (please state)

What Do You Consider A 'Good' Music Video?

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Storyboard Template

For the first draft of my music video, I will be using this storyboard that I have  produced. This will be used to show the narrative development of my music video and be used as a plan for when I film my music video.

Target Audience

By trying to appeal to my target audience, I will have to create a music video that appeals to both the female and male audience although due to the band of my chosen song being fronted by a woman it will probably appeal more to females then males. My target audience will also probably be interested in different forms of indie music such as indie rock, alternative music etc so when creating my music video I will take those into consideration.

Monday 4 November 2013

Focus Group Questions and Video Feedback

  1. Where do you typically watch your music videos and why?
  2. What type of music video would you prefer to watch abstract, and performance, narrative or animated? And why
  3. What conventions do you think you would expect in a indie folk genre and why?
  4. By watching a music video have you ever been persuaded to buy an album or single… what persuaded you to buy?
  5. Why do you watch music videos rather than just listening to the single?
  6. What conventions do you think should be broken in a music video and why?
  7. Do you prefer music videos that have a monologue/introduction to the music video or not? If so why?